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Unit 7: AI Ethics

AI Ethics Course Section in I2

Welcome to the AI Ethics section of the I2 course! In this pivotal module, we’ll journey through the ethical maze of AI, grounding our understanding in real-world applications and dilemmas.

Part 1: Understanding AI Ethics – Principles and Foundations

Introduction to AI Ethics

Task 1: Engage with the materials below and reflect on the synthesis questions.

Synthesis Questions:

  1. How have the core principles of AI ethics evolved over time?
  2. In what ways does AI ethics differ from ethics in traditional technologies?
  3. Why is ethics crucial in the realm of AI more than ever?
  4. Relate a historical event or invention to the current ethical concerns in AI.
  5. How can understanding the past inform our future ethical decisions in AI?

Part 2: Key Ethical Issues in AI - From Bias to Accountability

Bias and Fairness in AI

Task 2: Dive into these resources and ponder the synthesis questions.

Synthesis Questions:

  1. How has bias in AI affected real-world decision-making in sectors like finance or healthcare?
  2. In what ways might biased data skew the outcomes of an AI system?
  3. Describe a notable case where AI bias had real-world implications.
  4. How can fairness be quantified and ensured in AI?
  5. Can absolute fairness be achieved, or is it a continuum?

AI, Privacy, and Security

Task 3: Engage with the videos and answer the synthesis questions.

Synthesis Questions:

  1. How has AI impacted personal privacy in the age of social media?
  2. Contrast traditional data breaches with the potential dangers posed by AI-driven breaches.
  3. What challenges do global privacy regulations pose to AI developers?
  4. How can individuals protect their data in AI-driven applications?
  5. Relate the Cambridge Analytica scandal to the importance of privacy in AI.

Part 3: Ethical Dilemmas and Real-World Applications

AI Ethics Dilemma Case Study

Task 4: Delve into these materials and reflect deeply on the synthesis questions.

Synthesis Questions:

  1. How do self-driving cars display the ethical challenges posed by AI?
  2. Do you think an increase in self driving vehicles would be beneficial or not?
  3. Relate the lessons from a real-world healthcare AI failure to broader AI ethics.
  4. How can companies ensure they’re ethically responsible while innovating?
  5. Do the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to autonomous robots in healthcare?

Part 4: Special Topics in AI Ethics

Ethics in AI Research and Application

Task 5: Explore these articles and mull over the synthesis questions.

Synthesis Questions:

  1. How does the potential use of AI in warfare raise ethical red flags?
  2. Where should the line be drawn between research and application in contentious AI areas?
  3. Describe a situation where AI research might unintentionally harm society.
  4. What responsibilities do AI researchers have beyond their immediate work?
  5. Reflect on an AI advancement that can be both beneficial and harmful.

Global Perspectives on AI Ethics

Task 6: Dive into this rich content and think critically about the synthesis questions.

Synthesis Questions:

  1. How might Western and Eastern perspectives on AI ethics differ?
  2. Describe a cultural or societal factor that could influence AI ethics in a particular region.
  3. How can companies navigate global ethical standards when deploying AI?
  4. Why is it essential for AI ethics to be globally inclusive?
  5. Reflect on the challenges of implementing a universal ethical framework for AI.

Final Project: Real-world AI Ethics Analysis and Proposal

Project Spec: Choose an existing AI system or technology, dissect its ethical aspects, unearth potential pitfalls, devise actionable remedies, and craft an impactful presentation.

Slide 1 - Title Slide

  • Title: Your Choice
  • Your name
  • Date

Slide 2 - I

  • Introduction
  • Brief background on the AI system or technology chosen
  • Why analyzing ethics is important for this system
  • Overview of the ethical analysis approach

Slide 3 - Ethical Analysis

  • Details on potential pitfalls, biases, fairness issues
  • Real-world examples and implications
  • Frame as risks that need to be addressed

Slide 4 - Proposed Solutions

  • Outline ideas and recommendations to improve ethics
  • Explain how proposals directly address risks Emphasize feasibility and impact
  • End with call to action

The presentation should focus on thorough analysis of the real-world ethics issues with the chosen AI system and actionable, impactful proposals to address them.

Be sure to submit your work through google drive using the submission form! We would prefer that you upload it to your own Drive first, then use the submission form dropbox to connect that file to your submission!